>The Ring signal is AC at 17 .. 25 Hz and the average of a half wave >rectified signal at 5V will be about 2.5V. IMHO: No. It's because the opto's output / the transistor is switched with this low frequency, thus giving an average of 2.5V ... Take a voltmeter & you get at the transistors output: a) needle type --> 2.5V reading b) digital type --> 'fluctuating' reading c) take an osci. --> you'll see the ring signal at full (or half ) frequency _but_ 'clipped' to 5V peak-peak !! >You can place a cap across the photo transistor to hold the level >for the off half cycle or place a bridge rectifier BETWEEN the ring >capacitor and the optoisolator. A capac. at the opto's output(!) will not be the solution (in a general application), so you have to check at this point of the circuitry for the correct frequ. range (!) of the ring signal. >Cheers .. to you too Ralf.