Ricardo Amezquita wrote: > I want to move a mirror, and I was wondering if I could use and RC servo. > Does any one knows what is the angular resolution that can be obtained with > these servos, what is the bigest angle they can move, what speed can I get? Resolution will vary depending on the load, the quality of the servo and other factors. Digital RC systems use either 8 or 10 bit resolution, but just what the mechanical resolution at the output would be is harder to know. Most servos will operate through a maximum of 180 degrees, but usually only 90 degrees of this is used. Slew rate depends on the servo, the more expensive the better, but is usually quoted as some fraction of a second per 60 degrees - any RC model shop should be able to give you this figure for the servos they sell. One thing you want to check out is linearity - this is not something I have ever seen quoted, and for typical RC model applications it's not critical - speed and repeatability are much more important. Again, the more expensive servos will be better. Good brands are JR (Japan Radio), Futaba and Sanwa. Avoid the Korean brands (good value for money, but not great performers). In the USA JR and Sanwa get sold under other names. I'd personally recommend JR - make sure they have ball bearings - the plain bearing versions have a lot of slop in the bearing which significantly affects the achievable resolution. Cheers, Clyde -- Clyde Smith-Stubbs | HI-TECH Software, | Voice: +61 7 3300 5011 clyde@hitech.com.au | P.O. Box 103, Alderley, | Fax: +61 7 3300 5246 http://www.hitech.com.au | QLD, 4051, AUSTRALIA. | BBS: +61 7 3300 5235 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- For info on the World's best C cross compilers for embedded systems, point your WWW browser at http:/www.hitech.com.au, or email info@hitech.com.au.