I'm writing a program for the PIC16C57 and having some strange problems. Basically, I can't seem to write any code past address 200h (IOW, I can't write more than 512 words of code) without the program behaving very strangely. When my program is 511 words (last instruction at 1FFh), it works fine. Then when I add a couple of NOPs anywhere in the program to push the code over the 200h boundry (past the 512-word boundry), it starts doing all sorts of odd things. Note that the program does not crash, it just behaves strangely. Anyway, I would expect this type of behavior from, say, a PIC16C54 which has only 512-words of code space. But I'm using a C57, which is supposed to have 2K. After banging my head against the proverbial wall for a while, I finally remembered that the PIC has 512 word pages. So I was thinking that maybe there is something special you have to do to move into another page. And the more I think about it, the strange behavior I'm getting seems to be similar to the type of behavior I would expect if the last couple instruction words were getting cut out of my program. So can someone help me: is there something special I need to do after my code spills over onto a second page? Thanks for any help. It will be greatly appreciated. -mike mgoelzer@us.net