Hi John, Andrew and all interested people, Andew asked: > > >Does anybody know how to produce a reasonably loud "click" from a > > >3V battery powered circuit? I tried sending a square pulse to a > > >teensy weensy miniature speaker, but it's very quiet. Someone answered: > > Instead of a click, try getting a very short beep - just a few cycles worth. > > If the 3V is not enough you could use an H bridge to drive it. Two LM 386s > > or something similar should do it. John replied: > Actually, I'd suggest sending it a short burst of "random" pulses. good idea! > > Also, for output you could tie one leg of the speaker to a port pin, and > the other to a port pin via a cap. If both port pins switch simultaneously > in opposite directions you could get +/- 6 volts on the speaker which should > give it a louder drive than merely using a single port pin. But why do I have to tie one leg of the speaker to a PIC pin _via a cap_? It _is_ the advantage of a bridge speaker driver not to need any cap! For example, have a look at the data sheet of a TDA7052 audio amplifier (from Philips). The data sheet proudly claims that no external components are needed (well, except for 1 resistor and 1 big cap for Vdd). I think this IC could be used as a single-chip solution for the speaker-driver problem, although it might not be the cheapest way. Merry Christmas! - Frohe Weihnachten! Siegfried