I have a snippet of code here which is from a Parallax app note on interfacing a PIC to a standard character LCD module. It is very sparsely commented, and basically I was wondering if someone could help me figure out how it works. Here's the code: mov temp2,#00110000b ;Initialize LCD: set 8-bit, 1-line ;operation call blip_E mov temp2,#00001110b call blip_E mov temp2,#00000110b call blip_E In case you're not familiar with this particular app note, the blip_E routine basically just sends the data in temp2 to the LCD. The reason its in its own routine is that blip_E first waits until the LCD is not busy before blipping the Enable line (hence the name, blip_E). Anyway, according the that lone comment, this code sets the LCD to 8-bit, 1 line operation. Can someone explain to me what each of those three instructions which are being sent to the LCD are doing? I'm actually working with a 2-line LCD, and I therefore want to know which of those 3 instructions is setting the LCD to singe-line mode, so I can change it to 2-line mode. Also, any pointers to a good reference book/article on controlling LCDs -- one that might have all the control instructions such as the above 3 listed in it -- would be appreciated. Thanks for any help. -mike