This message is being 're-forwarded' - the list thinks I'm sending a duplicate. Dumb list. before resending it. Note that altering the "Subject:" line or adding blank lines at the top or bottom of the message is not sufficient; you should instead add a line at the top explaining why you are re-sending the message, for the benefit of the list membership. Good enough? > > > I may be a little off topic, but does anyone know how to get a floppy drive > > to spin at 750 rpm. I am using old 5.25 drives, the motor seems to have a > > comparator and bridge driver, but the adjusment pot makes little difference. > > Any clues would be appreciayted. > > The drive 'flywheel' will have some kind of sensor on it - maybe magnetic, > maybe optical. What if you added three more sensors, at 90 degrees on the > circle? I suppose you would get one quarter of the speed. Do they rotate > at 300 or 3000 RPM? Adam Eberbach, R&D Engineer, Dataplex Pty. Ltd.