>> P.S. I haven't completely stopped working on the Mac ADB PIC interface I >> was working on. The A/D and D/A works fine, I just have to add digital I/O. >> I'm contemplating writing an article for Nuts and Volts, has anyone written >> one before? >Have you found any net sources for info on the ADB? I've looked in vain, >or are you using a paper referance. (I've found some specs for the software >side of ADB, but am interested in the harware, WRT doing things like making my >own infra-red ADB extender. >> No net sources, I am using the info in Microchip's handbook, and Apple's Hardware Ref Manual. Chris ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Check out my WWW page at http://www.access.digex.net/~cps/ for ham radio | |software for the Mac; Free Radio, Shortwave Radio, and Spy Numbers Stations | |information. | |Finger me (cps@access.digex.net) for my PGP Public Key | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Those who would gladly sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither." -Ben Franklin