I'm designing a small controller application that needs a modest amount of EEPROM storage to be attached to a 16C73 PIC, and I'm looking for suggestions on choosing the I2C or 3/4 wire (SPI?) interface versions - those would be the 24LC01 or 93LC46 parts. There appears to be no difference in cost or availability, and the performance differences that do exist seem to be completely immaterial for this application (ie, I donnn't care how fast they transfer data, etc). So I seem to be able to choose which device I use on the basis of conveninence of the driver code I'll need, and this is where I have a few questions. I2C first: it seems pretty clear that the SSP doesn't do anything at all for master-mode operation of an I2C interface, so I may as well ignore it and just wiggle the interface pins via the PORTx and TRISx registers. Yes? For the 3/4 wire interface I'm not so sure - does that protocol correspond to the SPI mode of the PIC's synchronous port? If so, is it more than a family resemblance - does the SPI mode actually handle the protocol used with the EEPROM? It looks to me like it doesn't: the SPI mode seems to be strictly byte oriented, while the EEPROM seems to need a varying number of bits for its commands (the data itself is in byte-size bits, but the command and perhaps address aren't, if I'm reading things correctly). The sample code in the app notes is for a 16C5x without any hardware assistance, and this would almost certainly be usable, but with an eye towards potential future applications I'd like to know if there are better solutions possible for the PICs with the SSP module hardware available. Thanks!