The test is to see if the reflector will bounce this back as a duplicate, as it did my recent attempts to reply to the fellow who's trying to drive power MOSFETs from a PIC. (BTW, I think you can use a simple open collector driver with relatively large pullup resistors: since you're always turning the device on at the supply's zero-corssing the turn-on delay is unimportant.) And so to the MPASM question. I'm using the supplied header and don't care to get the "operand too large" warning every time I address a port in the upper bank of RAM. Is there some magic I can invoke to shut this up? I really don't want to write "ADCON1 & 0xff" all over the place, but that would be marginally better than writing the address as a literal. What's everyone else doing about this - perhaps one of the other assemblers available is better? Thanks.