Well, I breadboarded an '84 programmer last night. Now I have several questions, not that all of them are '84 questions. 1. Does timer0 clock every clock pulse or every 4'th clock pulse? 2. Not that I'm there yet, but on the 16C73 there are two pwm outputs. pwm2 has a prescaler, but pwm1 doesn't seem to have one. Does pwm1 not have a prescaler or does it use one of the other ones? 3. Other than the 16C84 all the other 16Cxx's require 13 volts to program. Does anyone know what the current draw is? I guess what I'm getting at is would it be OK to use the same serial programmer I breadboarded last night except use a voltage doubler/variable regulator to get my 13 volts? I guess I could also take the 12 off of the PC power supply, double it and drop it to 13. 4. And the embarrassing question. On an IBM PC DB25 serial cable, what is the pinnout? I found a pinnout for my HP LJIII serial port, but I'm not sure it is the same as a PC serial port. The cable is built and ready to go but I don't want to fry my PC/PIC. 5. Pip-02 gives a list of PIC's it supports. Assuming I can get 13 volts to the mclr pin should this programmer work with non '84 PIC's and one of the serial programmers? If these questions seem too basic for the list feel free to e-mail me. Thanks Roger (books@mail.state.fl.us) Been too long since I built serial cables. :( (List related, how do I tell the list to stop sending to me at mis1.mainline.com and start sending to me at rtssec1.dms.state.fl.us?)