At one time, there was a thread talking about ultrasonic transducers, and interfacing with a PIC. Looking thru my saved mail, I don't see this. So, sorry to ask again, but can a ultrasonic transducer be driven directly from a PIC I/O pin ? I believe there may be some danger from the transducer drawing spikes of current from the PIC, and possibly damaging it. Also, if a single pin can't supply enough current, can multiple pins be used to drive the transducer ? I suppose that the mask to the output port is registered in fast enough that all the outputs should switch at about the same time. Of course the other drawback is the amplitude of the signal being transmitted. By range to detect is around 12-14", and is not a moving target, giving me the luxury of taking multiple readings and determing if the object is in the field of view. Harrison Cooper