On Thu, 30 Nov 1995, Ben Kwok-Yiu Li wrote: > I am trying to get a piece of hardware to work with the Mac interface. > It is based on the Eye Mouse in a Circuit Cellar a while back. Do Mac's > have the same RS232 or is it the RS422 or something completely > different? If anybody knows, I am dying to find out!...as project > deadline approaches quickly. Also posted before is the alternative to > the serial, a MIDI interface. Any help would be greatly appreciated. > Hi, I'm not familiar with the article you mentioned, but if your project involves a MAC mouse, rs-232 is not the solution. Macs use the ADB port (Apple Desktop Bus) for the mouse and keyboard. It is a clocked TTL serial bus @ about 1200 baud. I saw a source listing for the pic somewhere for ADB. Try the Microchip BBS. morris beverly avpres@world.std.com