Hi All, I am new to this list, so if the following is a common question, please tell me off in a private E-mail. I am in the process of setting up a development environment for a 16c74 application we have. In the future we may (and probably will) use other PICs, notably the more powerful ones. My idea: Programmer Hi/Lo systems All07 In circuit emulator Microchip PICmaster C-compiler MPC Assembler MPASM Books Embedded design, databook Demo Standard demo board, some spare EPROM 16c74 chips We already have EPROM erasers, the DataI/O 2900 that we currently use for our other development programming does not seem to support the c74. The All07 would also be used as a back-up for the 2900. Any hints or comments on this setup. Specifically, what are your experiences with the programmer and emulator? Is the support good? Is it worth paying for the Microchip ice as opposed to the RICE16 or ICEPic? We will use only a few hundred pieces at most, but these will have to be reliable, as they will be used special applications in the plant. They will probably be pushed to the limits (I know the guy who designed them in...). Good support and low setup time are important. How do PICs perform in high magnetic field/high radiation environment? Thank you for any hints/information, Wouter