hello people.. we actually found what the problem was.. It wasnt the caps at all :).. we noticed when we heat them .. they work, then they stop again after 2-3 hours... anyways.. cutting the long story short... the problem was the flux we use contains some sort of salts... when we wash the boards.. these salts wash off.. but they still remain in the washing liquid... Then when we rince them .. still a little of the solution remained in the liquid.. when the boards dried.. this very very very very small amount of salts.. deposited round the crystal/caps region.. (beacause thats on the bottom of the board) anyway .. from the salts it made the PCB conduct !!! Not much.. say 500k to 1 MEg within 2mm BUT THATS WHAT MADE THE WHOLE PROBLEM!! Arghh took me a good arm and a leg to work that out.. would of never suspected that .. Just thought i'd let yous know incase any have the same problem reguards Tesaro -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quote : Ambition is the key to success. Do you listen to your heart or someone elses ? Life is short, Make the most of it! Tesaro Sandu or Love-God (IRC) call on : (0416) 141 818 email on : tsandu@st.nepean.uws.edu.au http: //www.st.nepean.uws.edu.au/users/tsandu/index.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------