Dear fellow Piclist members I have never before seen a single posting on the Piclist that has drawn so many responses as this one by Pat Coutu. I also admit that the offer sounds attractive, but please write directly to the author of this mail to request the info and not to the whole piclist! His email appears to be : c82032476@ACS.SAULTC.ON.CA Maybe an even better idea would be if the originator of this mail would put this info on some FTP site so that people can get easier access to it. I shudder to think how many attached files he already had to send to people, judging by the number of people mistakingly requesting the info through the piclist. There must be tenfolds more people writing to him in private. Regards Werner > > > >I have built a small RX-FM receiver with synthetized frenquency for RC-mod > > > >This receiver use RF and PLL MOTOROLA chip, for RF part and a PIC16C57 wit > > > >a small EEPROM to decode the RC signal. This circuit run in 2 meters glide > > > >since 2 months - no crash !!! - > > > >If you are interested in PIC code, schematic and PCB, I will be happy to p > > > >you the whole document. > > > >I 'm now developping a TX-FM synthetized tranceiver with LCD panel and a > > > >8031. > > > > > > > > Pat Coutu at "c82032476@ACS.SAULTC.ON.CA" > > >