>Hi, > >I'm having problems programming 2 16C84 PICs but as they are the only 2 I >have I have no way of knowing whether it is the programmer hardware, >software or the PICs themselves. I saw a recent message mentioning PIC >serial no's. Mine are 9440 CBA; would there be any reason for them to be any >different from other PICs? >Also is it possible to damage them by applying Vpp without Vdd present? >(spot the novice) > >Thanks, Chris Well Chris I'm going to have to be careful here. I might end up being the "first port of call" for people who have programmers and no backup. PICs are generally robust but the Vpp voltage is critical and as I have said, appears to be the real weak spot of the PIC chips. Appling Vpp without Vdd is not such a good move but as I have never done it I cannot give any indication if it is *likely* rather than possible, to destroy your chips. Can you contact the designer of your programmer or is it "one of those type." Again, it is hard to know what to do without either expertise or a working programmer on hand. Regarding batch numbers, I asked Arne for them purely so that others have the oppertunity to say if they had problems with that batch. It's just covering all bases, that's all. Usually there is no real practical difference. BTW At this very time, I am trouble shooting one of my programmers via email. It's my fault for sending him a dud in the first place. Come Monday, if the problem is not fixed I will send a new programmer via express airmail and hope like hell Edward will send the other back. (it has three zif sockets I would not like to lose if I can help it!) There are others offering such service also. As long as you and all others know what you get when you buy, or don't buy rather, a programmer we can all be happy. It is unfortunate that things are so "unbalanced" at the moment. Good designs and the back up for them look like disappearing soon. Sorry for the whinge, I know some people must be getting sick of me. But I don't see the designers of these programmers jumping up and down to help anyone out and I don't see any other forum where issues can be discussed. Regards Jim ----------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFOUND ELECTRONICS, Now available WARP-3 Programs all PICs, 3 textool sockets. can reduce erase time 40-50% ISP port, fast, All options. 24Cxx & 93Cxx serial eeprom read/program bonus offer. Price: TBA approx $100US email newfound@ne.com.au ------------------------------------------------------------------