In message <> PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU writes: > Dion Heskett ( wrote Jim an email asking: > > >>sorry to ask you this ... i am trying to program the data eprom area > >>with the code below should this work ?? if not could yo point me in the > >>right direction as i am new to pics and programing in assembler > >>many thanks.. > > Jim (newfound@NE.COM.AU), who's apparently too busy peddling his prototype > PIC programmers to answer his own e-mail, wrote: > > >I have forwarded this request to the piclist where it belongs and informed > >the requester how to subscribe etc. Can someone please help as I am not > >able to keep up with it all... > > Dion: > > There are a couple of things I'd do differently, but your code should > work just fine. > > I'm a little puzzled by your need to have the code checked; it should be > trivially easy to see whether it works or not just by burning it into a > 16C84 and trying it. Are you having trouble with it? I think this code was originally posted in '', it was in response to questions on how to program EEPROM using a PICSTART. The full code in question was for using two 16C84's for decoding D2-MAC satellite transmissions. The poster of this code got over the PICSTART problem by running a program that wrote the required data to EEPROM, then you write the main program to the PIC. Probably he's having problems actually decoding the scrambled programs, however a number of people have replyed to the original posting saying that this method of EEPROM programming works fine. Nigel. /----------------------------------------------------------\ | Nigel Goodwin | Internet : | | Lower Pilsley | | | Chesterfield | | | England | | \----------------------------------------------------------/