>Dion Heskett (dionh@fastnet.co.uk) wrote Jim an email asking: > >>>sorry to ask you this ... i am trying to program the data eprom area >>>with the code below should this work ?? if not could yo point me in the >>>right direction as i am new to pics and programing in assembler >>>many thanks.. > >Jim (newfound@NE.COM.AU), who's apparently too busy peddling his prototype >PIC programmers to answer his own e-mail, wrote: Not so. I answered this email thus: Dion, You are far better off sticking this sort of stuff on the PIC LIST. This gives people who can and are willing to help the chance to feel spiritual and all warm and fuzzy inside. You then don't need to be worried that you are inposing on someone else etc. Not on the PIC LIST? Send to listserv@mitvma.mit.edu subscribe piclist You will get a document telling how to upload requests for help etc. I'm sorry I can't be more helpful, I just don't have the 1/2 hour it would take. Get back to me if you really get stuck but meantime I will forward the message to the piclist and if you subscribe quickly the answer will be there waiting for you! Regards, Jim ..................................................................... Today, I spent time forwarding my long reply to Martin Nilssons reply on the "master-slave thread" to interested people. I thought it too long and of little interest to the general PICLIST. I also forwarded other parts of the thread as requested. Its great to receive an email back that simply says "Thanks." Andrew, I find your implication to be offensive. Your aggressiveness serves only to make others wary of you and perhaps this is the point of it. Perhaps now you'll ensure everything you offer is exemplary and purely alturistic, no self promotion however subtle. I guess mate, you're willing to be the high mark for all of us to obtain to. As for "peddling my prototype programmers" well Andrew, I do make it known that I got them, and I also promote my understanding of "quality issues" regarding programmers. I have never sold a programmer or anything else to someone who I genuinely believed would be better off buying someone elses product. Yes I have suggested competing designs when it was in the enquirers best interests. My real product is my sense of ethics and quality and fair play. (I guess in your country that makes me a loser.) If it appears otherwise its just my indignation. I don't enjoy hearing from people who spent 200% - 300% more on a programmer that does nothing but the bear basics and they want my software to work with their programmer etc. If anything, I have let them down by not jumping up and down hard enough. I am happy for all the pros and cons of programmers to be open and people can make up their own minds. What is it you are peddling? Your own credibility??? How is your personal attack on me in anyone's best interest? What do you know of me that gives you the right to attack me as you have? Perhaps its time for you to rethink your agro. Though I know only of one, I'm sure there are other's whom refrain from offering a counter point to you on the piclist and MCHIPBBS to avoid occuring your wrath. Something you are proud of? I do not believe I was unreasonable in forwarding the query to the PIC LIST especially as I was pepared to forward any replies back to Dion in case they were missed by Him/her. Andrew, have you asked Dion if she/he feels I let him/her down by replying as I did?. (Sorry Dion, these days it's just not safe to assume a persons sex, oops, I mean gender, by their name.) My apoligies for this to all others, I stop now though I feel I haven't yet begun! Jim