Hi all, Sorry to ask the very basics, but I'm running into a little trouble :( I've connected up a PIC 16C74 on a breadboard, and am feeding in a 4Mhz signal onto pin 13 (the Clk in pin) from a signal generator. I'm applying 5v to pins 11 & 32, with 0v on 12 & 31 As far as I can tell at the moment, that should mean a program I put onto the pic should run? So I wrote a small program (very small :) to turn port D into an output and blat bits out of it, incrementing. . such as this org 0 goto start org 50 start movlw B'00000000' movwf TRISD ; Setup port D for all outputs clrf PORTD ; Blank it bsf STATUS, RP0 main_loop addlw 1 ; add 1 to W movwf PORTD ; copy W to port D goto main_loop end This appears to toggle between 8 & 9 for some reason under MPSIM Am I missing something? Does anyone have any sample 16c74 code out there I could peruse :) Cheers, Glyn D. -- Glyn D / http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~daviess / Computer Science 3rd year ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Whom computers must destroy, they must first drive mad." -- fortune "What if everyone felt like that?" -- Catch 22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------