Hi i want to decode manchester encoded signals with a pic chip is this possible I have never programmed a pic chip before but have a 16c84 programmer and would like to learn how to use it.. For those who do not know what manchester encoded signals are its where a binary 1 is represented as 10 and 0 is 01 . I am currently de-manchesteriseing a signal with a clock osc and a xor gate and have ttl data in one side of the xor gate and the clock in the other. I need to be in phase with the data stream for decodeing at the computer... Any help or examples greatfully recieved ... -- REGARDS PAUL. -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6.2i mQCNAzBSGNEAAAEEAMlbTNvAO+qY8j6tRs/r+Ktu1jbuaWceP+H7fZGl1VVmCxm/ VQdGhFYcihIH/bFAGRs7kN4qK+aWcOlEgg4yiqGI/wvDiSeIagJ2Jbv4VLgUU5rO 6jwGAs36/YaZNRReAytpZevLoAdYC99EqGUgOET0LzfTI8FtU+CkpBZjI/SlAAUR tChwYXVsIGQuIGJ1bG1lciA8cGF1bEBrZDZyZ2ouZGVtb24uY28udWs+ =YLQS -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----