I just tried it and it worked for me. I used: http://www.parallaxinc.com/ Good luck, Dean -------------------------------------------------------- >>Parallax, parallax talk, but I NETHER succeed in connected to parallax server >> on the net, everytime it said >> >> " NETSAPE is unable to locate the server www.parllaxinc.com >> " The server doesn't have DNS entry. >> " Check the server name in location (URL) and try again. >>I try to post something but the mail return to me without success ... >>I think parallax server is dead ... > >I found I could get files, with difficulty, by using my internet service >providers FTP client at their UNIX prompt. Not very user friendly! Parallax >must want to keep out lamer's who would need too much assistance using their >warez. Dean Hadley Lawrence Livermore Natl. Lab hadley1@llnl.gov