Rick Miller wrote: >Is there a "standard" way to embed PIC16C84-specific info >(fuses, ID, data-EEPROM) into a "HEX" (or any other) file? > >I think Parallax's docs refer to "IHEX8M"... >Where do I get details on this file format? signature cut.................. Rick, here is the gospel on this matter. (sorry for the long response folks but this is detailed and of interest to (a few?) others.) There is a microchip standard defined to embeded fuse, ID data EEPROM. The details are in the programming specs section of the last two data books. I admit is a bit terse but all the details are there if you can dig them out. First, see the 16C5x programming specs for the general format of the INHX8M format. then look at the 16C84 specs for other details. Regarding defining the fuse ID and data eeprom in you source code, yes this can be done with the later assemblers BUT, understand the instructions and syntax are partly defined in a "header file" and not native to the assembler. So if someone shows you how he has done it, make sure you get his header file! I have seen at least 3 different syntax forms and I'm sure there are others. There are standard headers from microchip and perhaps it best the stick with them. Now parallax. The parallax assamblers DO NOT ALWAYS produce a standard microchip INHX8M file format. If you use the fuse and ID instructions native to PASM and PASMX the resulting hex file IS NOT compatable with picstart or many other programmers. Oops, Almost forgot, don't use the embedded device statement either. Sorry, I don't know how you define the device for assembly purposes with out it being embedded. - Someone? anyone?.... Maybe you don't as the 16C5x and 16Cxx use different assemblers However, if you do not use these instructions then the parallax hex format is compatible with the standard. The parallax data EEPROM is ok to use as it is compatible. The TRUELY FANTASIC ADVANTAGE of the parallax format is that you can also define the DEVICE! in the hex file. Now that has to worth a beer or two! If there is interest, I shall release as a general utility the "DEMO" version of my programmer software. This allows exchange from microchip to parallax hex formats and vise-versa. You can easily edit everything along the way. It also handles the data eeprom as being "ON" "OFF" or "ONLY" (no program fuse or ID) If you want to see how it all goes together this is what you want. Hope this provides the info you were looking for. Now I will kill the first person who asks about checksums! :-) Finally, regarding your other message re "cheap programmer doesn't work" How cheap is something that doesn't work or requires hours to fix?? Every man and his dog is producing programmer designs these days. (mostly with someone elses work.) I wish someone independant of all other interests (unlike myself) would do a review of programmer types, hidden problems, advantages and their REAL value for money. The thread of a logic analyzer will have most of these programmers hiding under the bed! Well enough of my self serving rantings........... Regards, Jim Robertson ----------------------------------------------------------------- NEWFOUND ELECTRONICS, Makers of low cost, mega featured PIC programming tools. newfound@ne.com.au ------------------------------------------------------------------