Hello all .. sorry about the topic .. its a different one .. we are doing a project with the PIC16C54-lp/p, the supply voltage is 3V and the Xtal is 32.786 kHz .(watch crystal).. it basically just gets the result from 4 swithes, and flashes a LED acordingly.. Our problem is that some do not want to start. The crystal does not want to start on some units. We are using 33p caps with them .. We have tried different values, and we still get the same problem ... We tried the delayed reset .. still is the same problem... HELP ;) Any ideas pplz ... -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quote : Ambition is the key to success. Do you listen to your heart or someone elses ? Life is short, Make the most of it! Tesaro Sandu or Love-God (IRC) call on : (0416) 141 818 email on : tsandu@st.nepean.uws.edu.au http: //www.st.nepean.uws.edu.au/users/tsandu/index.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------