First Last wrote: >I think what some of you are perceiving as bounced messages is really >that some address on the list is bad and the server is >sending a message that that particular piece did not get delivered. >Although the rest got through. > >Any list experts that can confirm/deny this? Gary: The messages we're talking about are NOT those standard "Undeliverable Mail" messages. The PICLIST list-server is smart enough to reject posts that are duplicates of previous ones (a nice feature; sometimes mailreaders run amok and send multiple copies of messages), but something recently must have gone wrong with the list-server, because it seems to ALWAYS think that it's received two copies of each message. Oh, by the way... If anyone's getting "Host Name Not Found" errors from their server's mail-router, it's because the PICLIST's "From:" line has been somehow corrupted: The "%" in "piclist%mitcma.bitnet@...." has been changed to an "@", so if your mailreader sends replies to the "From:" address instead of the "Reply-To" address (NetCruiser and some other readers do this), none of your replies will get anywhere. You can fix this problem either by configuring your mailreader to send replies to the "Reply-To:" address, or by manually changing the address each time you send a reply. Jory Bell (keeper of the PICLIST) has been notified of this problem, but I think he's out of town for a week or two, so it may not be resolved for a while. -Andy -- Andrew Warren - Fast Forward Engineering, Vista, California