>> Here is a circuit I devised recently for a simple RS232 based parallel >> interface that had only three outputs available. >THREE outputs with RS232??? >I only know of RTS and DTR. Or do you abuse the TxD line like the Erik- >Hermann-ultracheap-RS232-programmer? this is _not_ abuse! TxD can be forced to any state by setting serial port controller to break. >> Note for this circuit to work the MCLR line is tied to the system VDD via >> a diode and 1k resistor on the target board >That is another point to discuss. The data book says, MCLR must be at least >0.85*Vdd, that is 3,06V at Vdd=3,6V, the difference is 0,54V. >Microchip writes that the MCLR pullup resistor should be not greater than >1k so that the voltage drop at MCLR input with respect to Vdd is smaller than Microchip databook 1994 page 2-551 (DS30081C-page 17): Pull-up R < 40KOhms is recommended (look carefully figure 4.2.4) >a 1k : 10k voltage divider together with a diode? Just calculate yourself. Microchip _recommends_ a use of diode in series to resistor at MCLR for ISP. Databook 1994 page 2-567. That circuitry _works_ antti ---------------------------------------------------------- -- Antti Lukats Silicon Studio -- -- sis@rasi.lr.ttu.ee PO Box 3500 -- -- ftp://rasi.lr.ttu.ee/pub/sis Tallinn EE0001 -- -- http://rasi.lr.ttu.ee/~sis Estonia -- ----------------------------------------------------------