> Need Assemblers . Need Protocol Info`s > Need a Lot. > Can you help us to get started. ???? Hi Tinus and friend! I'am using the PICSTART 16B development system from Microchip. This contains all you need (assembler, simulator, programmer, programming board and chip samples [16C57, 16C71]). All this for less than 350DM (~ $250 US). The development system can be used for the 16C54, 16C55, 16C57, 16C71 and 16C84 microcontrollers by Microchip. The package also contains an Embedded Control Handbook with many application samples (source code, etc.) and a Microchip Data Book which describes all microcontrollers and related IC's sold by Microchip. You can also get additional informations via many WWW sites and from the Microchip BBS which can be reached for example via Compuserve (therefore you don't have to be member of Compuserve!). Markus ############################################## # # # Markus Seim Panasonic R&D Center # # +49 6103/766124 Monzastr. 4c # # sukram@panasonic.de 63225 Langen # # # ##############################################