I wonder if anyone else is having trouble with Paul Bergsman? Paul Bergsman's article "Make your PC operate as a multiple metering device", described an A-D converter in the January 1995 Micro Computer Journal. Based on the MAXIM MAX155BCPL, it provided 8 channels (simultaneous sample-and-hold) at 8-bit resolution. Bergsman offered a kit of PCB and all parts, and I ordered one for $60, which I sent by postal money order. To date (seven MONTHS later) he has not delivered the kit, an explanation, or a projected delivery date. I contacted MicroComputer Journal editor Art Salsberg, who stated Bergsman claimed to have had parts delivery problems - but most of the poeple who ordered kits had had them delivered - Bergsman claimed. I have called Bergsman by phone 4 times. The last two times I left messages on his machine, but he has not replied. Is anyone else having similar problems with Bergsman? Has anyone had success with getting this kit? Can anyone tell me the address to contact to report US Postal fraud? Bergsman's address is Merion Station, PA.