I am working on my first PIC project; a device to keep time and automatically water some plants. My question centers around the steps nescessary to set up the '61 (or '84) to use interrupts. Using MPSIM on the following code, the ISR is never reached. ; variable declarations tempW EQU 0x20 tempStatus EQU 0x21 ; program space org 0x0000 RESET_V goto START nop nop nop INT_V movwf tempW swapf STATUS,W bcf STATUS,RP0 movwf tempStatus ; ; interrupt service routine bcf STATUS,RP0 swapf tempStatus,W movwf STATUS swapf tempW swapf tempW, W retfie START bsf STATUS, RP0 clrwdt movlw B'10100000' ; enable timer 0 interrupt & movwf INTCON ; enable interrupts loop goto loop