On Sun, 20 Aug 1995, Paul Picot wrote: > On Sun, 20 Aug 1995, Brian Read wrote: > > > Tell me again what moving to a news group will buy us? > ... > > Convince me! > > I'm afraid I have to agree with Brian. There is a lot to be said for the > mailing-list format, namely that the signal-to-noise ratio is much higher > than it would be in a newsgroup, and that the spam and garbage posts are > actually much lower than we could expect in a newsgroup. > > If some feel we are missing out on some spontaneous input from somebody > not on the list, I think that could be adressed by periodic postings in > relevant newsgroups, indicating the existence of this list. The simplest alternative I am aware of would be a ``moderated'' mailing-list, wherein someone with authority has to screen postings before they get remailed to members. This is a burden on that ``someone'', and a delaying hobble on member postings. Maybe if the moderating authority could be shared among several ``someones'', in several timezones, but I'm speculating on technology that isn't just lying around yet. Members-only posting (shades of CompuServe ``join''!) might mitigate the problem, but by how much for how long? Could a spammer masquerade as some real member, or join under false pretenses? Such a mechanism could be a deterent, but it's hard to see how to give it any real ``teeth''. I hope the Internet gurus or the NetNews gurus are working on this. > As for the spam on this list, I agree it is offensive, but at the risk of > offending some people, may I point out that 90% of the traffic generated > by spam is generated from people already on the list, this message included! > > If you see spam, DON'T RESPOND TO THE LIST. You can be certain that the > perpetrator will never see it, and you will just further annoy people. I partially agree; it's like responding to terrorists like the Unabomber, except that spammers are (usually) in it for the money. So if you can do something that hits them in their pocketbooks, do that. To me, that includes making it somehow more trouble than it is worth. But I can't agree, if this is what you mean, that if we just ignore it, it will go away (or, it's a small annoyance, don't waste time fretting over it). These guys are trying to score bucks, and I suspect (without evidence, I admit) they are getting enough payoff to continue and expand. (Can someone in ``Albqu.'' check out whether Jeff Slaton has ordered a new Lexus lately?) > #belated vent off > > -Paul Peter F. Klammer PKlammer@ACM.Org w:(303)773-7411 h:(303)233-9485 EEPROM: mere bridge techology to FRAM 11221 West 27th Place Learn about League for Programming Freedom! Lakewood, Colorado 80215 by sending email to: lpf@uunet.uu.net