Okay. I've sent a SIGNOFF PICLIST message to the listserv about a half-dozen times now. The first time, I got a response that my address didn't match; the other 5 times I've gotten nothing. The listserv won't let me REVIEW PICLIST so that I can tell what address it really wants, either. I've tried e-mailing the supposed owner of the list, and have heard nothing. Will someone *please* get me off of this list? Thanks, Jorj -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Jorj Bauer | gbauer@eniac.seas.upenn.edu CETS Network Operations | 200 S. 33rd St. School of Engineering and Applied Science | Moore Building, Room 166-A University of Pennsylvania | Philadelphia, PA 19104 http://binky.seas.upenn.edu/~gbauer | (215) 898-0575 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-