We've recently added a PIC page to our web site and a PIC directory to our ftp site. Our web address is: http://www.iglou.com/ITU and our anonymous ftp address is: ftp://iglou.com/members/ITU We also have some files on PC-interfacing and general electronics-related material available via ftp. The support directory will always contain the latest versions of our PIC programmer software. We welcome any user contributed programs to our site. If you would like to share your PIC-related code or utilities with the Internet community, just upload them into our incoming directory and send me an e-mail message with a description of your upload. We would appreciate any comments and suggestions, especially additions or corrections to links on our page. Please keep in mind that we have just added this page and will continue to make updates! Thanks! Chris ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chris B. Sakkas (csakkas@iglou.com) http://www.iglou.com/ITU ITU Technologies (ITUTec@aol.com) ftp://iglou.com/members/ITU Complete PIC programming packages starting at only $29! See our web page or e-mail us today for more info!