>Hello, > Hello:- Usually anything under 24VAC is considered safe, but in extreme circumstances even that could cause a fatal shock (for example if I were to stick a metal pin into each of your shoulders and apply the voltage.. ). In practice, if the 70VAC is isolated from the line *and* not grounded, it is unlikely that it would cause anthing more than a harmless tingle, unless your patrons are wet or there are other circumstances I can't anticipate. You could also use a GFI interruptor. I can't recommend this tho Since this is clearly above the limit for inherent safety though, you should shield it, or re-design it to use less than that voltage. In many places in the US and all places in Canada (I think) you are supposed to have this kind of thing inspected ($$$) before plugging it in. Chicago is particularly strict, but mostly from a fire viewpoint (they have a long memory I guess). There are plenty of guidelines for safety that include, for example, an artifical "finger" (I think it is a 4mm rod) that isn't supposed to be able to touch anything shocking through the ventillation holes, material requirements for non-flammability etc. Bonne Chance! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Spehro Pefhany "The Journey is the reward" speff@io.org Fax:(905) 332-4270 (small micro system devt hw/sw + mfg) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=