-> IS THERE ANY WAY, OF TURNING IT INTO A UNIVERSAL CALL ROUTINE, I -> COULD PRE LOAD THE COUNT2 FILE BEFORE THE CALL IS MADE, BUT IS THERE -> ANY WAY OF GETTING AROUND THE 'CALL LCDROW1'. THE 'LCDROW1' BEING THE -> ONLY VARIABLE IN THE ROUTINE. The technique I use is: 1) Concatenate all output messages into one lookup table. 2) Delimit all output messages with a unique byte values, such as 00h. 3) Stuff the offset of the message in the table into COUNT2 before calling the output routine. 4) The output routine should read the table element, test it for 00h, and then exit if a match occurs. Otherwise send the element and repeat. The above method has an advantage in that if you have two messages, say LFCRLF and CRLF, then you can simply supply LFCRLF and index to either the start (for LFCRLF) or the start+1 (for CRLF). Another method may be used: CALLing a routine specified by a variable. This one requires care however. Hope this helps. Regards, Dana Frank Raymond - Foxtrot Systems Ltd. Internet: dana.raymond@canrem.com. Compuserve: 73362,3052