This is not the Microchip specs (well at least not documented feature) but it _is_ possible to use David Taits programmer in original form without any hardware modifications to program the PIC16C84 and to _RUN_ the code! Well some sort of oscillator circuitry must be connected. We have updated PIP-02 to implement this feature. We believe it should work on all the hardware we currently support, including Eriks RS-232 and Cox BLOWPIC and AN589. We have not checked out all configurations of our drivers/hardware but we believe all of them should support this feature. **** WE ARE SORRY that our ftp server is currently down, please dont try to connect until to morrow our local time :-) We will make a http link to PIP-02. Please use that link if you dont need anything from our ftp server. Thanks. NOTICE _no_need_ to get new drivers, all the old ones should be capable of having this feature. We made testing with 1:1 implementation of D. Tait hardware at VPP level exactly 13.5V antti ---------------------------------------------------------- -- Antti Lukats Silicon Studio -- -- PO Box 3500 -- -- Tallinn EE0001 -- -- Estonia -- ----------------------------------------------------------