.. bla bla .. >This is good to know. I'm doing this directly from DOS (6.2); if I can >get the RS232 setup working, I'd love to run it under dosemu in Linux. >Anyone know of programmers that run from unix directly? I could always >try to port blowpic... There is a free source for LPT connected PIC programmers for Linux It should be "configurable" to different programmers however the version we downloaded actually is not very configurable. Well we did modify the source so it now works with at least with David Tait's software, well AN589 also, and Don McKenzie's programmer and possible few other as well. We have not yet uploaded that modified code, as there is not much of our original code. We hope to port all our soft/drivers to Linux and to have "Kernel mode loadable drivers" in some times in the future... However you may have to wait a while - currently I have to manually switch Hardrives to boot into Linux! If interested in working Linux code for D. Tait's programmer we sure can upload it to our site. It want run with blowpic without source code modifications! PIP should work now with blowpic hardware. I made few test programming attempts, all OK 5 out of 5! RS-232 programmer should work with +5 power supply, well VDD is switched, but thats not required. VPP must be switched under program control. If can verify the DATA readback with the drvtst1 program then should the programming also work. You might also check what Serial Port Chip your PC has. It may be that our driver doesnt work with 16550 chipsets. If so we will fix it. antti ---------------------------------------------------------- -- Antti Lukats Silicon Studio -- -- sis@rasi.lr.ttu.ee PO Box 3500 -- -- ftp://rasi.lr.ttu.ee/pub/sis Tallinn EE0001 -- -- http://rasi.lr.ttu.ee/~sis Estonia -- ----------------------------------------------------------