Jeff D. Pipkins wrote: >I'm wondering if any of you have any experience at all with the PIC >problem that is written about in the fine print footnote on page 3 of >appnote AN556. It says that if an "interrupt occurs just before >the 'movwf PCL' instruction, then the [...] new[ly] computed PC will >be INCREMENTED and saved on the stack (as the return from interrupt >address [...] On return from the interrupt the program will go to >the intended offset of the table PLUS ONE. This is a very >undesirable result, so interrupts must be disabled during a >table read operation." [emphases mine] Jeff: The App-Note is WRONG. There is no need to disable interrupts around ADDWF PCLs (or around GOTOs, CALLs, or any other instruction that directly modifies the Program Counter). -Andy -- Andrew Warren - Fast Forward Engineering, Vista, California