Echoing the suggestion of a previous poster, I hope Mr. Slaton gets hoist by his own petard. It's real easy to use a word-processing program to make whole sheets of labels with Mr. Slaton's name and address. You know those card packs you get in the mail? The ones with get-rich-quick schemes involving Ostrich Farms and Precious Metal Traders? The ones that will get you put on every imaginable irritating mail list? Naturally, *I* wouldn't do anything that devious or possibly illegal, but maybe somebody would. He'll HAVE to go through all the mail to that address to get his (legitimate?) replies. I certainly hope he has to wade through fifty sacks of junk to get them. The net protects its own. *Reg ....standard disclaimer applies...* *..."Ignorance is a renewable resource."....P.J. O'Rourke............*