Martin writes: ML> Thanks all for the suggestions. I am curious about Gary Skinner's ML>suggestion. How much higher than 60Hz is "much higher"? I do a single PWM ML>control loop that drives 8 separate actuators. They all function with the ML>same master cycle. All turn on at the same time and I just toggle the bit ML>for each off when the time for that one runs out. The 20MHz PIC is doing ML>about 230Hz at best the last I checked. Is that fast enough to avoid some ML>sort of beat frequency effect? I don't really know exactly what much higher means. The PWM is chopping up the sinewave into pulses. If it chopped up each cycle into at least 3 or 4 pieces, then there should not be any "beat frequency" type of problems. I suppose you could do a lot of math and verify some results, but I would probably build a simple device and measure the RMS output as a function of PWM on/off ratio. I expect it will be pretty linear with 230Hz period. Please let us all know how the experiment works out. Thanks, Gary Skinner ESI