From: SMTP%"" 3-AUG-1995 14:30:54.71 To: CC: Subj: Delivery Report (failure) for ------------------------------ Start of body part 1 This report relates to your message: Subject: ETI BASIC microcontroller, Message-ID: <>, To: of Thu, 3 Aug 1995 09:15:40 +0100 Your message was not delivered to for the following reason: Unknown Address MTA '' gives error message Unknown local user 'piclist%mitvma.binet' ***** The following information is directed towards the local administrator ***** and is not intended for the end user * * DR generated by: mta * in /PRMD=UK.AC/ADMD= /C=GB/ at Thu, 3 Aug 1995 09:15:54 +0100 * * Converted to RFC 822 at at Thu, 3 Aug 1995 09:16:09 +0100 * * Delivery Report Contents: * * Subject-Submission-Identifier: [/PRMD=UK.AC/ADMD= /C=GB/;<] * Content-Identifier: ETI BASIC mic... * Original-Encoded-Information-Types: ia5-text * Subject-Intermediate-Trace-Information: /PRMD=UK.AC/ADMD= /C=GB/arrival Thu, 3 Aug 1995 09:15:40 +0100 action Relayed * Content-Correlator: Subject: ETI BASIC microcontroller, * Message-ID: <>, * To:* Recipient-Info:, * /RFC-822=piclist(p)mitvma.binet(a) AC/ADMD= /C=GB/; * FAILURE reason Unable-To-Transfer (1); * diagnostic Unrecognised-ORName (0); * last trace (ia5-text) Thu, 3 Aug 1995 09:15:40 +0100; * converted eits ia5-text; * supplementary info "MTA '' gives error * message Unknown local user 'piclist%mitvma.binet'"; ****** End of administration information ------------------------------ Start of forwarded message 1 Received: from newvax (actually by with SMTP (PP); Thu, 3 Aug 1995 09:15:40 +0100 Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 08:41:33 +0100 Message-Id: <> From: To: Subject: ETI BASIC microcontroller X-VMS-To: SMTP%"" The September issue of Electronics Today International begins a new series by Robin Abbot (he of the ETI universal PIC programmer) detailing a BASIC microcontroller. Rather than pass judgement, I'll just snip out the relavent bits for your perusal:- Next month ETI will be sold with a free PCB which is specially designed for the ETI BASIC microcontroller ..... The PCB will also be useful to anyone designing with 18 pin PIC devices since it can act as a PIC prototyping board. It will hold any 18 pin PIC with crystal oscillator, a 5V regulator, a low cost RS232 serial interface and an I2C interface for 8 pin I/O devices........ Any 18 pin device may be used 16C54, 56, 58, 71, 84 etc The lower 4 bits of port A are used for the I2C interface and for the external serial interface [me - a brownout circuit is also provided] All 8 port B lines and RTCC are available for I/O ..... The EEPROM may be up to 8k in size, allowing programs of up to about 1,000 lines of BASIC code to be developed...... The system is based on the Windows development system which allows multiple files to be edited, assembled and linked, and for programs to be downloaded and tested. Finally, an autoboot facility allows the module to automatically run programs when it is powered up, allowing stand-alone systems to be developed.... code for interfacing to a 24LC16 and for interrupt driven serial port is also given. Me again Unfortunately, I have no experience of the Parallax STAMP gear so I've no idea what advantages (if any) Robin's unit has. (anyone help here???) I would suspect cost might be a factor though ;-) Also, an ongoing article by Bart Trepak describes how to design a PIC based project. (an alarm clock) This magazine really is the dogs whatsits for the PIC hobbyist. Now, about my years free subscription ......... Oh BTW, the address for ETI wordwide is in the FAQ. TTFN Nick Howard ------------------------------ End of forwarded message 1 ================== RFC 822 Headers ================== Return-Path: Received: by (UCX V3.2-9B VAX) Thu, 3 Aug 1995 13:46:43 +0100 Received: from by id <>; Thu, 3 Aug 1995 09:16:09 +0100 X400-MTS-Identifier: [/PRMD=UK.AC/ADMD= /C=GB/;] From: To: Subject: Delivery Report (failure) for Message-Type: Delivery Report Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 09:16:09 +0100 Message-ID: <""> Content-Identifier: ETI BASIC mic...