Hey there It just happened that I ordered PCBs for the RS-232 Powered PIC16C84 programmer. PCB can be assembled with either 78L05 or 5V6 Zener. Anybody interested? Both plain PCBs as fully mounted and tested kits will be available next week. Plain PCB: 6 USD (including postage to any location world wide). Full kits will also be available at close to manufacturing cost prices. Qty discounts start at qty 2! Complete ordering info will be on our WWW pages within few days. antti ---------------------------------------------------------- -- Antti Lukats Silicon Studio -- -- sis@rasi.lr.ttu.ee PO Box 3500 -- -- ftp://rasi.lr.ttu.ee/pub/sis Tallinn EE0001 -- -- http://rasi.lr.ttu.ee/~sis Estonia -- ----------------------------------------------------------