On 30 Jul 95 at 1:03, about Re: [forwarded] ADVERTISEMENT for c, jory bell wrote: > I recently posted som info on an apparently new supplier of pic programmers > (which were fairly cheap). I mentioned that the info the guy sent did not > include a lot o detail in terms of address, etc. One of the piclist members > forwarded this info gleaned from the HAM radio data, since the guy listed > his call. Here it is. > > > > > [deleted] > > > >JB>I also note that they don't list a snail-mail address or phone, so you > >JB>takes your chances (a review from anyone who uses them wwith relevant > >JB>experiences might be useful to some). < Deleted > Here's the contact details; CHRIS B SAKKAS ITU Technologies 3477 Westport Ct. Cincinnati, OH 45248-3026 e-mail ITUTec@aol.com tel: (513) 574-7523 from 9AM to 5PM EDT Monday through Friday. Has anyone had "hands-on" with one of these beasties yet? Tom