Hi David, I read your reply to the COM port serial programmer, I have a similar (unfinished) design on my desktop, just havent got time to do it. The schematics on Piclist is Ok, except the RS-232 readback is really tricky, ( CTS is never < -3V what it should be to RS-232 specs) but well it seems to work that way too. I will release the driver for that hardware too soon. then all my soft will work on that hardare... Hardware is published now, so I dont have to bother about that any more :-) You havent asked for my Pascal sources? BTW: I did rework the Linux PIC16C84 programmer soft so it now works with your programmer hardware, Linux stuff will hopefully uploaded too in few days I also tested my software in OS/2 DOS box works too, So now your programmer is supported in DOS, Win3.1 Windows 95, OS/2, and finally Linux! Cheers Antti