Hi at the piclist, I don't know if somebody has already requested the instruction (or Microchip has even announced it): To my opinion the interrupt response time is prolonged unneccessarily by saving the flags and working file (the trick with SWAP .. there is an application note about it...) I would like to have a single instruction to push and pop both registers in a device like the 16C84 or 16C71. (Or even better (though maybe not easy to implement): The optimum would be kind of REFFIEWF which restores the registers in a single instruction and returning from interrupt. If Flags and W File were already saved when the PIC starts executing at 004 (the interrupt adress) one could cut response time even further) Bye Frieder ---- ; Frieder Ferlemann ; Institut fuer Umweltphysik ; Im Neuenheimer Feld 366, Zi 410 ; D-69120 Heidelberg ; Tel.: 06221 563385 oder 563334 ; Fax: 06221 563405 ; Email: FE@uphys1.uphys.uni-heidelberg.de ; ; To be scanned by BundesNachrichtenDienst: Embargo, G3, Police