Hi Chris, I wrote a VB DOS and VB Windows program to control the AN589 programmer, using portions of David Tait's code. The Windows version my be downloaded from my PIC web page at http://www.lancs.ac.uk/people/cpaame/pic/pic.htm If you really want the VBDOS program then I can hunt it out and mail it to you. Andrew Errington Lancaster University (a.errington@lancaster.ac.uk) ---------- >I just finished building the 16C84 programmer described in application >note 589, and I'm now kludging together some software to make it work. >Right now, I'm using parts of David Tait's program for his own >hardware as well as the source code for AN589, since the AN589 code is >just for communicating with the PIC and doesn't provide a front end >for reading hex files from disk and loading them into the PIC. Does >anyone have a canned DOS program for loading hex files into the PIC >using the AN589 hardware? The program I've kludged together is >somewhat messy... >-- >Chris Leger (blah@cmu.edu) >Carnegie Mellon University