>This thread could turn out like that letters page in the HP Journal >about printers in fires and driving the wife's car over a 'scope. > Just yesterday I put a scope probe in the wrong place, (a bad thing to do when there's 2000 amps of short circuit current availiable) After the PCB trace vaporised the controll circuit saw 40 Volts negative, It blew out 4 power mosfets, 18 signal transistors, a few diodes and two voltage regulators. (just about everything on the board) The PIC 16C73JW still works fine! It's a good thing too, since I only have two and the protoype is due in two months. :-) -Otmar- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Otmar Ebenhoech Electric Vehicle Components Ltd. "I wish I die sleeping like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like his passengers." tess@netcom.com (415) 494-9255 -----------------------------------------------------------------------