>Hi all, > I am now looking for a new linear position sensor for my robotics >PIC application. I decided to leave the infrared LED to sensor link >alone because of the inherent calibration problems. It turns out that >LEDs degrade with time to the point that constant recalibration would be >required. > > I am now exploring linear encoding for a more digital solution. >I have come across a type of absolute position linear encoding called >binary chain code which is a _non-repeating_ pattern of ones and zeros of >length 2^N. In an N-bit code _any_ N-bit sequence appears only once in >the entire 2^N pattern so you always know where your are. > > My sensor is a Texas Instruments TSL213. It is a 64x1 pixel >array with a simple 64-bit shift register output. I can supposedly print my >pattern on a mylar strip and encode away. I am asking you guys if anyone has >experience with this type of position encoding especially with a PIC. Maybe >one if you has some code written to deal with this. > >Thanks, > >Martin Kirk >Arizona State University >mlk@asu.edu >(602) 263-9270 HP PhotoOptics has a complete line of positioning sensors and strips for this purpose. Doug Sellner Beach Tech 4131 Vincent Avenue South Minneapolis MN 55410 Voice (612) 924-9193 x 521 Fax (612) 926-1145 Internet: dsellner@embay.com