Dear All, Here is my version of David Tait's programmer for the Amiga computer.The program has been modified a little in several ways.The input format now is INTEL HEX (the default output format of MPASM). Have in mind that the program is *NOT* system-friendly.So , do not run any other applications that use the parallel port while you use it.Perchaps Timo Rossi can help us to make the code "legal" to the OS. I must say that I haven't tested yet EEPROM DATA downloading but normally you should not have any problems with this. See the comments of the code for the pinouts. Hope this helps, Argiris Kranidiotis. CUT HERE-------CUT HERE-------CUT HERE-------CUT HERE-------CUT HERE------- end -- ____________________________ __________________________________ / /\ / /\ / Argiris A. Kranidiotis _/ /\ / E-mail (InterNet): _/ /\ / University Of Athens / \/ / / \/ / Informatics Department /\ / /\ /___________________________/ / /_________________________________/ / \___________________________\/ \_________________________________\/ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Attachment converted: rodo:pp.lzh (????/----) (0000B098)