*>Aaron Sliwenkski writes: *>> *>I am developing a 16C84 PIC based product with and RS-232 interface and a *>> *>Real-Time Clock. Any hints, suggestions or recommendations? *>> *> *>> *>Dan Garlen *>> *>> For the clock: Philips PCF8573 or PCF8583 - Since the `84 has I2C *>> built in these should work fine. *> *>The '84 has I2C built in? I don't think so. If you want this, you *>must implement protocols in software, and there's no I2C support in *>hardware either. This does take up a certain amount of the (limited) *>memory, of course.... *> *>Richard H You're right, I was thinking of the `74, but if one wants to use an external clock the two wire interface is superior to any of the parallel approaches that suck up a bunch more pins that could be put to better use. I agree the `84 is a bit cramped for code space in comparison to the `74 but the code to implement the interface protocol is very simple and may be worth the memory.