> I am hoping to find an MSc student to convert an existing simulator > into a PIC simulator. Our tool is based on the Tcl/Tk ``wish'' Window > Shell, and lets you simulate multiple (interconnected) controllers, use > Tcl/Tk to build graphical I/O simulations and control panels, and use Tcl/Tk > as a ``macroassembler'' for your applications code. However, the microcontrol ler > that it currently simulates isn't a PIC, so someone has to convert the > interpreter part. Naturally, if we get this done, I'll let everyone know! > > Bob G There's another Unix simulator around, too - it was posted to this group by Dave Madden last november, and should be on ftp.sics.se as well (though I can't see it there). It needs C++ and X, and I still have a copy, though it would probably be better to look to Dave for any updates first. I haven't tested it, since I don't have C++ up. -adrian