From: John T <72712.2347@COMPUSERVE.COM> Is anyone aware of any UNIX based development tools for the PIC parts. SUN workstations are the prefered target platform, but any info would be helpful. I also prefer to use Linux rather than DOS/Windows, because of its inherent capabilites (e.g. I expect to be able to download program to the PIC while still having the machine available for other use). At present, I plan to run assembler and simulator in a DOS emulator uner Linux, while running David Tait downloader. In the long term, I plan to pull out the PIC emulator that someone wrote for Unix/X, and work on it some. I plan to convert it to use Tcl/Tk. przemek klosowski ( Reactor Division (bldg. 235), E111 National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA (301) 975 6249